Knowledge Management and the Zen of Seeing
By Rakesh Bhaskar
The Zen of Seeing
Seeing is an art often taken for granted. We see what we learn or have learned to see. As Henry Moore once said “We think we see, but we don't”. Everyone sees differently. Your brain processes the visual information from the eye and shows facts based on your mental conditioning. Only an individual who knows the Zen of Seeing can see what “isn't there” and what is “actually there”.
Such individuals have constantly worked on removing murky veils of conformity from their eyes, and this has helped them in understanding the true nature of life.
Zen is a Buddhist and a Universal concept, it means self knowledge. It is a self actualizing process wherein the individual takes a steadfast approach in knowing himself and realizes how to look at the true nature of things. It’s an effective tool for change.
A Zen Practitioner knows that the brain dwells on things that we see. A refined way of looking at things can change the way your brain works and this can bring about quality actions.
Knowledge Management (KM) like Zen is an effective tool for change. KM is an essential organizational driver and an invaluable elixir for professional growth.
In Zen, Knowledge is the basis of understanding the framework of life. KM too, is a way of understanding the functioning of knowledge in an organizational framework. Zen works on the ways of understanding the true knowledge of life. KM works on the ways as to how knowledge works in an organization and improves its lifeline.
KM, in fact, is built around the very principles of Zen. Being an effective KM practitioner is a must for anyone working in a technology environment.
Let’s look at the true nature of KM, and see how we can transform ourselves into effective KM practitioners by imbibing the Zen essentials of seeing.
So, how to practice the Zen of Seeing?
It’s the completeness that matters. Look at the completeness.
For example, take the wheel. Only a complete wheel can make things move. An incomplete wheel never moves. Wheel is an existential reality of movement. The spokes or the inner core can change. The diameter and the circumference can change; the inner core idea of rotation can never change. It moves the world.
We can extract the importance in every tool we use and look into the core idea as to what it does and what it can do to me. As we look deeper into things, we find it’s the core idea that really matters, the rest are just bells and whistles.
Everything exists in Space, even Emptiness. Look at both.
We all live in space. We have occupied and earned certain spaces for ourselves in professional lives. The more space we occupy, the more emptiness we create.Sir Isaac Newton once took some sand lying around and said, “What I know is the sand in my hand, and what I do not know is this Universe”.Space is dimensional, it is what we know; recognize the emptiness in you and expand your existential space. It helps you evolve and emerge as better knowledge worker. You can fill the emptiness with whatever you wish. But, more we recognize the emptiness, more the scope for improvement and development. It’s the emptiness that enables us to keep that step forward. So, take a deep look at both the space and the emptiness.
I am alone. I am interdependent. Look at the interdependency.
Nobody works alone. Nature has taught us that it’s interdependency that works. The ecosystems prevalent in nature are self sustaining as they are interdependent; this is equally true in a knowledge-driven environment. The more we interact and collaborate with our peers, the better it is for us. Collaboration enables learning and improves corporate longevity.The existential truth is that interdependency is a nature’s way of empowering a growth cycle. So, look at your interdependencies and focus on building healthier ones.
I emerge from my senses. Look at your senses.
We are constantly using our senses to evolve. You create your identity from your senses. Be aware about what you do, feel, hear, and think. The more you are consciously aware of your senses, the sharper you get. Sensible use of your surroundings and your skills is a must for overall growth. An honest look at your senses on an everyday basis can go a long way in your personal and professional growth.
There is duality in nature. Look at the duality.
There are two fundamental concepts existing in nature, which often oppose each other. We often experience different states of minds, one state trying to prove its worth over the other. We need to develop the sensibility and the sensitivity within us to be aware of these states. Once you recognize these states, you can rationalize them and compare them. Look deeper into the dualities that exist in you and the surroundings. It helps in sharpening your perceptions and actions.
But, what do these five points mentioned above got to do with Knowledge Management?
Zen of Seeing and Knowledge Management
By continually practicing the Zen of seeing, we can definitely remove the murky veils of conformity from our eyes and can help us understand the true nature of Knowledge Management.
Let’s go ahead and see how the points described above can help us become better KM practitioners.
It’s the completeness that matters. Look at the completeness.
The totality of KM moves itself, like the wheel. KM is like a wheel; it’s complete in itself and drives many an organization in reaching its destinations. A wheel realizes its meaning when it’s put to use. KM, like the wheel has to be put into use to realize its full meaning. When in use, it not only helps you reach the required destination with the necessary speed, but also reduces the time needed to reach the same.
Remember: Wheel moves the world, KM moves an Organization.
Everything exists in Space, even Emptiness. Look at both.
Any project you undertake, recognize the emptiness and the space it occupies. How does it affect you? What are you doing to fill the space? Your best ally in filling this space would be KM. An apt KM practitioner can effectively fill the emptiness he encounters in any project he undertakes, as he knows what can help him overcome it. Take a good look at the emptiness that’s occupying you in a project.
Remember: There is space, there is emptiness. KM helps us transcend both.
I am alone. I am interdependent. Look at the interdependency.
Interdependency is the nature of life. We need to interact to enact any act. Evolution of an individual in an organisation happens when he or she identifies and nurtures healthier knowledge interdependencies. Constant interaction and collaboration is one of the facets of KM. The more we collaborate, the more knowledge we create, the more it’s easier for us to work.
Remember: Healthier interdependencies lead to quality collaborations. Quality collaborations lead to quality creation of knowledge.
I emerge from my senses. Look at your senses.
Indulge your senses with KM, your senses will love it! Train your senses to the very mantra of KM; Create, Capture, Collaborate, Reuse. It’s a mantra, which has immediate and long term results for you and to the organisation. A conscious effort from you to intoxicate your senses with the essence of KM can make it sharper and can make you work smarter.
Remember: KM is a perfect drug for your senses. Use it to develop a “Stay sharp, Work smart” attitude.
There is duality in nature. Look at the duality.
The two most powerful states of mind are Concentration and Awareness. A perfect balance of both is vital for peak performance of a knowledge worker. Develop the sensibility and the sensitivity for understanding this duality. Look at both these attributes and be consciously aware of them. Rationalize and Compare the different states of your mind. Know when to focus and know when to be aware. Concentrate on using KM tools and processes in projects, be Aware of building the KM feeling – sharpen your perceptions and broaden your horizons on KM.
Remember: Accept the dual nature of mind. Concentrate, but be aware.
Zen, KM and You
As you would have understood by now, Zen and KM are relative. Both aim to build better humans and help them in realizing the true nature of knowledge. The form and function that KM brings to an individual is magnanimous in terms of the knowledge gained through collaboration and reuse. Understanding the true nature of things is the essence of life. The understanding of true nature gives us clarity and helps us develop positive visions that are pragmatic and worthwhile.
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The article about the knowledge management is very useful as it states an example about the topic so this gives use a better understanding of the subject
This article on knowledge management is very fruitful. I hope group 3 keep posting such articles ahead.
Well selected article for the subject
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